L Favicchia, Ph.D.

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Biography —
L Favicchia holds an MFA in poetry from Bowling Green State University and earned their PhD in creative writing from the University of Kansas in 2023. They write poetry, lyrical essays, and creative nonfiction, and their debut collection of poetry, boy little girl (Main Street Rag), was published in 2023. Their research centers around the ways in which violence against animals, through a hierarchy that prioritizes human perceptions of consciousness and reason to determine to what degree something may be considered alive, becomes normalized and accepted. They explore the ways in which relation and comparison to animals also justifies violence toward othered human bodies which, viewed as less than, become excluded from the category of hu[man]. Their current book project centers around the forced reanimation of preserved bodies and body parts, particularly used for museum display, education, and study, of both human and nonhuman animals in order to critique predominant scientific practices that favor objectivity and complete removal of emotion as harmful to the living counterparts they are intended to represent.
Education —