Frazer Hall in the morning

Executive Council of Graduate Faculty

In Spring 2021, the Executive Council of Graduate Faculty adopted bylaws governing its operation. These bylaws are publicly accessible in the University of Kansas' Policy Library.

Executive Council Bylaws


The membership of the Executive Council is representative of the graduate faculty on KU’s Lawrence Campus. Members are appointed to staggered three-year terms. Three members represent the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and two members represent The School of Education. Each remaining school has a single representative.

Executive Council Membership

Meeting Schedule

Executive Council Committee meetings occur from 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. approximately the first Friday of every month. Following the committee meetings, the full Executive Council meets at 2:00 p.m. approximately every third Friday of the month. Meetings are held virtually unless otherwise indicated.

The Meeting Dates & Deadlines link to the right lists the submission, processing, and notification deadlines that correlate with each meeting. All petitions, requests, and GradFac nominations must be received by the Office of Graduate Studies by 12:00 p.m. on the date listed. (Please note that some schools have earlier internal deadlines for their receipt of such petitions, requests, and/or nominations in order to facilitate timely submission to Graduate Studies.) Graduate Studies staff will process, post, and send notifications about the Council's decisions by the end of the day on the date listed.

Minutes and End of Year reports from prior years are available by request. Please email your request to

EC Meeting Information