Amanda Ostreko, Ph.D.

- Assistant Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Enrollment Management
Contact Info
Biography —
Amanda Ostreko is the Assistant Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Enrollment Management. She provides strategic leadership and direction to the enrollment management efforts of both domestic and international graduate applicants and students. This includes leadership and management of applicant generation, inquiry cultivation, and pre-and post-admit communications. She manages the graduate application and efforts to provide data and guidance on graduate student retention and graduation.
Amanda started her career at KU in 2003 in the Research and Graduate Programs unit in the School of Engineering, held the role of Assistant Dean in Graduate Studies from 2013-2019, and transitioned into her current position at the end of 2019. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from KU; has held numerous roles in Staff Senate, including President during the 2014-2015 academic year; serves on the NAGAP Governing Board, which is a national organization that engages and advances Graduate Enrollment Management (GEM) professionals through collaborations in education, research, and professional development; and, is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) Research and Information Services Committee.