Graduate Studies at KU
Welcome to the Graduate Studies Faculty & Staff Website
This site provides faculty, directors of graduate study, as well as graduate coordinators and support staff with information, resources, and policy information and updates to support their students & programs. We also have a new Teams site that houses additional resources to support faculty and staff including information on PtD processing and procedures, program support tools, and policy guides. Please email graduate@ku.edu to request access to the Teams site.
Our office also hosts a website that provides a variety of resources and funding information for graduate students. For more information, please visit our student-facing website.
Graduate Studies Organization
Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
Office of Graduate Military Programs
The Madison & Lila Self Graduate Programs
Graduate Enrollment Management and Admissions
Supports graduate programs to recruit new students, reviews domestic and international applications for minimum university requirements, conducts international credential evaluations, and processes admissions. This unit is a part of Enrollment Management and is not a unit within Graduate Studies. For information on the support they provide or a listing of their staff please visit Enrollment Management.